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Bath and North East Somerset (BANES) Floating Support is short to medium-term service for people with mental health problems who are either finding it difficult to manage…...

The Autistic Guide to Adventure

Allie is an autistic author and microadventurer, seeking to give neurodivergent young people a place where they recognise themselves and feel that they belong. I met Allie at an Adventure Mind…...

Effectiveness of the Triple P: Meta-Analysis

"The Triple P program is based on research in child and family behaviour therapy that has developed many useful behaviour…...

My Hidden Chimp

‘My Hidden Chimp’ is an educational book for children to work through with an adult or by themselves. The book offers parents, teachers and carers some ideas and thoughts on…...

Raising Boys

This book is a friendly, practical guide to raising boys. It is a guide to parents and includes chapters on testosterone, sports and the difference between boys’ and girls’, therefore focuses…...

Vodafone Digital Parenting

Vodafone’s digital parenting offers guidance around dealing with phones, tech and social media, and your child. It offers magazines, articles (such as your child’s first phone) and advice for...

Raising Girls

This book is a practical guidebook for parents to raise confident, well-rounded daughters who become self-assured, confident and believe in themselves. This book is for parents, grandparents and...

Bobo Doll Experiment

This experiment aims to understand whether social behaviours can be learned by watching others in action. The test was to see if ‘aggression arousal’ or frustration lead to aggression by…...

Parenting and Mental Health

The NSPCC website offers advice and support to parents experiencing mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder and personality disorders. It offers advice, such as...

Effectiveness of The Triple P on Behaviour

"Triple P is based on social learning principles. This approach to the treatment and prevention of childhood disorders…...

Book Recommendation: Mindset, Carol Dweck

We're a big fan of Growth Mindset, here at the Bath and Bristol Parenting Hub. Teaching children that their skills and abilities are not fixed is so important. We need to show them that with practice...

Developing Life Skills

Positive parenting approaches, such as effective communication, active listening, and problem-solving, equip children with essential life skills, enabling them to navigate challenges, build healthy...

Why Positive Parenting

Positive parenting plays a crucial role in the development and well-being of children in the early years and as they get older, into their teens. During this critical period, children are rapidly...