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We know that parents want to create the happiest home life they can, and some may have a few concerns about their child’s behaviour – perhaps there’s disobedience or you simply want to find out how to set up better routines for mealtimes or bedtimes. Whatever it is, if you’d like to learn more about positive parenting and how you can apply it with your family can do so with us, in a safe, non-judgmental, fun and relaxed way. We show you parenting strategies that really work.

Proven to Work

Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme), is what’s known as an ‘evidence-based’ parenting programme. This means it’s tried and tested and proven to work. Designed and created by clinical psychologists from Queensland University, Australia, Triple P has been running for over 30 years, and is used in countries across the world. We really believe in the programme and have seen huge success reported by many, many parents who have taken part in the programme with us. It’s practical, realistic and very useable. Parents go home with strategies to try out every week and see improvements very early on that grow and grow.


We deliver Triple P as a 10-week programme. This is delivered as 4 group sessions, 20-minute 1:1s, a further 4 group sessions then a final 20-minute 1:1. Group sessions are delivered weekly for 2 hours.

Who is it for?

This course is for ANY and ALL parents who have children aged 3 – 12 years.

Group Size

Groups of 5 – 10 parents work really well. We also offer 1:1 sessions as and when required.

How will I learn?

From the start, parents are given tips and suggestions to fit the needs of their family. They’ll see scenes from the Every Parent’s Survival Guide DVD, which show how the ideas work in real life. And the hand-outs will give parents the tools and information they need to start positive parenting right away at home.

1. Understanding Children's Behaviour

In this session, we will:

  • Share our experiences as a parent;
  • Look at some of the reasons children display certain behaviour;
  • Look at how we can influence their behaviour and the other influences in their life;
  • Set yourself some clear goals to work towards through the course.
2. Praise and Attention

In this session we’ll look at:

  • How and what we give our attention for;
  • Spending time with our children;
  • Talking with our children;
  • Affection;
  • Using descriptive praise to encourage positive behaviour
3. Supporting Independence

In this session, we look at:

  • Setting a good example to help our children to learn new skills and behaviours;
  • Being ready and responsive when our children need support with things like overcoming a challenge or when they’re curious to learn something;
  • Dealing with ‘why’ questions in a positive way;
  • Supporting children to learn more complex task with several steps.

All of these strategies build independence, confidence and resilience.

4. Active and Engaged

In this session, we will:

  • Reflect on the times when children are bored or without positive, engaging activities;
  • Learn games and activities;
  • Share ideas for games and activities;
  • Discuss and share ideas for places to go and things to do locally.
5. Mid-point 1:1 Check-in

The mid-point reivew is for:

  • Discussing any strategy learnt so far;
  • Discussing a specific behaviour or issue at home;
  • Any other parenting-related themes, topics or questions.
6. Clear Expectations

In this session we will learn about:

  • Setting positively stated house rules;
  • Using the rules to praise and remind if they are broken;
  • when to ignore a behaviour if it’s attention-related
7. Reward Charts

Reward charts have many components that need to be considered and planned for it they are to be successful. In this session we will:

  • Consider the best behaviour to work on with a reward chart;
  • Decide how and when stars can be earnt;
  • Discuss ideas for rewards;
  • Discuss how to phase a chart out;
  • Discuss the pitfalls and how to overcome them through planning, careful consideration and creativity.
8. Managing Misbehaviour

In this session we will look at:

  • How to give instructions effectively;
  • Positive consequences which teach children how to manage their emotions and accept limits.

Consequences are designed to help children, not to induce fear, shame or resentment. For this reason, a calm, consistent approach is best, and we advocate talking to your children about these routines before you use them.

9. Making it Mobile

In this final group session we will:

  • Discuss how to adapt the strategies to use them anywhere, be it the supermarket, on holiday, at a restaurant or friend’s house;
  • Practise scenarios and consider which strategies we would use and in which order, so we’re prepared to use the course’s learning as a package;
  • Consider how to keep the new parenting strategies going over the coming weeks, months and years and avoid slipping back into old habits.
10. Final 1:1 Check-in

The final reivew is for:

  • Discussing any strategy learnt in the course;
  • Discussing a specific behaviour or issue at home;
  • Any other parenting-related themes, topics or questions;
  • Planning how to keep it going once the course has finished.
Is there a cost?

Currently the Triple P course costs £50, which equates to £5 per session. This is effectively a 50% subsidy on the true cost per place.

In the future, if we’re able to secure further funding we’ll ease or remove the cost again. Currently however, to ensure the continued availability of the course and impact on families, the charge is necessary.

Do I need to attend the whole course?

Yes, ideally. Parenting is about have a series of resources at your disposal. One single strategy will only be beneficial as part of the overall package. That said, if you miss a session, we can help you catch up with reading materials and during the one-to-one sessions.

Where does it take place?

This course is delivered online via Google Meet. We’ll send you a meeting link before the start of the course. You’ll use the same link for every group session and your 1:1s.

Will there be reading materials?
Yes, we’ll make sure you have access to all the relevant reading material via the Every Parents’ Workbook.
My child has special needs. Is this course right for me?

It can be. This course is a universal parenting course. There are parenting courses specifically for parents of children with special needs which will go into the nuances and adjustments you may need to make. That said, this course has proven to be a really strong foundation before going on to do a more specialised course.

Is there anything I need to bring to the sessions?

Not really. You can bring a pen and paper if you would like to make notes as you go, however, we’ll make sure you have access to everything we produce in the sessions as well as the presentation slides and reading materials.

I don't have a tablet or laptop. Can I join using my phone?

Whilst it’s possible to join and take part in the course using just a mobile phone, you’ll find your experience is improved if you use a tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

The bigger the screen the better the experience. Plenty of parents do take part using their phone, however.

You might be able to use a computer in your child’s school, children’s centre or community centre, so we suggest asking it that’s possible.

Sessions: 8 group, 2 1:1s

Duration: 2 hours

Delivery: Online / F2F