Resilience is our ability to bounce back from failure. It’s something part our mindset and helps us recover and grow from setbacks.
Resilience needs to be grown, nurtured and encouraged. If it were a plant, it would be watered by adversity. You could say that resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It affects a person’s ability to learn and is also linked with social and emotional skills, personal characteristics and mindset. It’s a process that takes time and requires several supporting skills, for instance: putting problems into perspective:
reframing; putting plans into action; having a positive mindset or outlook; and communicating with others. As people build resilience it builds self-worth and confidence.
Skills for the Future
Consider technology, the flexibility of where and when people work, with more autonomy, the immediacy of communication and the blurred lines between work and personal life. With this comes a change in skills requirements and lessen of relevance for some other skills.