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We accept referrals from schools, children’s centres, CAFCASS, social services and any other agency working with families, wishing to support a parent or parents through enrolment on one of our courses.

We offer both evidence-based and our own in-house built courses. Triple P is a very well-regarded coursed, delivered in over 25 countries across the world and has been delivered, shared and benefited from for over 40 years.

Our lead practitioner, Jonothan Hope has been delivering Triple P (Group Level 4) with groups of parents in schools, children’s centres and community settings since 2012. He has supported parents, 1:1 in their homes and continues to deliver regular online group and individual courses. Jonothan is accredited by Triple P to deliver this course.

Our ‘Supporting Children with Anxiety’ course and ‘Resilience Skills’ courses were developed by Jonothan in 2019 and 2020 in response to the growing need to support children and young people in the development of these important skills.

We regularly take referrals from CAFCAS and social services and are experienced therefore in supporting parents in developing their confidence and necessary parenting skills.

We provide a certificate of attendance and a supporting letter which confirms a parent’s attendance and conduct during the course.

If you would like to refer a parent, please us the link below. Once received we will make contact with the parent within 5 working days to discuss how to join the next available course.

Current Courses